Islander's Bowlathon

Jan. 27th, 2002

Steve Webb
This is Steve Webb signing my jersey. I don't know why his mouth is open - maybe he's been knocked into the boards too many times...

Michael Peca
I went up to Peca and asked for a picture. It was the second time I interrupted him. Oh, well! =D

Chris Osgood
Mom 'n' me 'n' Chris Osgood. We must have had at least five people ask us to get his autograph.

Alexei Yashin
Alexei Yashin. 6'3" Alexei Yashin. Next to 4'11" Mary. He leaned down a little, but still!

Claude Lapointe
Claude Lapointe, the team's short, bald guy. Hey, he scored two goals the night before - I'm not complaining!

Mats Lindgren
Mats Lindgren. Wasn't paying too much attention, I guess.

Dave Scatchard
Dave Scatchard signing Mom's jersey. He was at the lane next to ours. He was actually pretty good at bowling.

Scatch 2
Scatch, realizing that we're taking pictures.

Mark Parrish
"I guess you guys are stuck with me." Stuck with an All-Star who's the team's leading scorer? Don't think so, Mark!

Parrish 2
My father in his one and only appearance in my pictures to date. Parrish again =)

This guy goes to every home game (so far as we know). They were playing the Chicken Dance, so everyone made him hold up his jersey. He also wears a wig of gold streamers (that you can't really see here) so we call him Goldielocks.

Parrish got a 145 his first game, which was, I guess, the highest score. He got a trophy for it!

Scatch 3
For some reason, I thought I didn't have a picture with Scatch. Oops, so sue.

Isles gear
Hey, I had extra film. Me in my signed jersey and my scarf that I crocheted all by my self!

A close-up of my scarf. It's 9" wide and about 4' long. Isn't it PRETTY?

Jersey front
Ah, the jersey. Let's see who I can identify on here. Starting at the bottom left and going clockwise: Lindgren, Lapointe, Webb, Garth Snow, Yashin (over to the right side) Adrian Aucoin, Osgood, Peca, Jason Blake, Ken Sutton, and Scatchard.

Jersey back
Last but not least, the back of the jersey. The noticeable one is Parrish, over a few inches to the right (it's kinda light but it's there) is Isbister.

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